Why reinvent the wheel?

ESSA Parent & Family Communication Requirements, Simplified.

Our team of state and local federal programs experts researched ESSA Parent and Family Engagement communication requirements and created a comprehensive resource center so that you don't have to. 

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"TransAct is the best money I spend every year. I can't afford not to have it."
Dan Schlafer, Former Federal Programs Director

The Easy Way to Comply with
Parent Communication Requirements

Federal Compliance

Provide staff with over 100 notifications related to 21 ESEA (ESSA) compliance categories, including Title I, Title III, Title IX, and more.

EL Service Notifications

Satisfy EL Parent and Family Engagement communication requirements easily, with notices that are translated by qualified translators.

Compliance Made Easy

RoadMaps are custom reports generated for your district, which recommend action items and documents to support compliance with Parent and Family Engagement requirements.

Provide Targeted Follow Up

Engagement reporting helps teachers and staff identify which parents or families need additional outreach to view and complete forms.

McKinney-Vento Program Compliance

Help families who are experiencing homelessness and who are limited English proficient with expertly-written notices and forms that are written in plain language and translated into a language they can understand.

More Time for Individual Translations

There are 100s of notices required by federal, state, or district policy which are standard across the country. Avoid re-inventing the wheel and save time and money for unique student needs.

Help parents access their resources

Store your existing PDFs, or use our plain-language notices, and deliver resources to parents on the device of their choice - including phone, tablet or desktop (and even paper!)

The Hard Way to Comply with ESSA and Civil Rights

Spend Time

Researching ESSA

There is no concise federal guidance summarizing district responsibilities for Parent and Family Engagement, so federal programs administrators are left to research the requirements alone. 

Spend Money

Legal Review & Translation

Civil Rights case law dictates that parent notifications are translated by qualified translators. Professionally translating and legally reviewing standard notices is expensive and time-consuming. 

Increase Risk

Compliance and Delivery

Federal programs are complex, and the law is not always clear, but your district is accountable to the law in the event of a monitoring visit. A Civil Rights finding is embarrassing and risky.

Expertly Written by Federal Programs Leaders

100+ Notices required by ESSA, written by federal programs experts, legally reviewed and translated in compliance with Civil Rights requirements by qualified and trained translators.

Annual Parent Notice: Right to Request Teacher Qualifications

Title I required notification described in Title I, Section 1112(e)(1)(A) included in the Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications Content Category.

School-Parent Compact

A required component of the School Parent and Family Engagement Policy found in Title I, Section 1116(d) and included in the Parent and Family Engagement Content Category.

English Learner Program Placement

 Title I required notification described in Title I, Section 1112(e)(3)(A) included in the EL Programs – Title I and/or Title III Content Category.

Request for Change in English Learner Program

Meets the requirement to obtain a parent signature when a parent decides to opt their EL student of EL programs or services as described in Title I, Section 1112(e)(3)(A)(viii). 

Schoolwide Title I Program Eligibility

Notification used to meet Title I, Section 1114(b)(2) requirement to communicate with parents regarding a school's intent to seek to operate a Title I Schoolwide program.

Status of School Performance: Notice to Parents

Title I required notification to the parent of students attending schools identified for Comprehensive or Targeted Support and Improvement as described in Section 1111(c)(4)(B).

Annual Private School Consultation for Public School Services: Invitation to Participate

Title I equitable services requirements include consultation with private schools regarding the public school services that may be provided to eligible private school students as outlined in Title I, Sections 1117(b)(1); and 1112(c)(2), and Title VIII, Section 8501(a)(1).

Public Notice: Education Rights of Children and Youth that are Homeless

Mckinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act requirement found in McKinney-Vento Section 722(g)(6)(A)(vi).

Roadmaps to Compliance

Simple yes/no questionnaires that create custom parent engagement notification reports so that your teachers and staff always know what is required.

21st Century Community Learning Centers

Helps districts and local providers identify the appropriate notifications for 21st Century Community Learning Centers.

Access to Student Information (Student Privacy)

Helps districts identify the appropriate notifications regarding the student data privacy requirements of FERPA.

Assessment Participation Policy

Helps districts identify the appropriate notifications associated with policies related to student participation in any assessments.

Direct Student Services

Helps districts identify the appropriate parent notices regarding requirements for Direct Student Services.

Students Experiencing Homelessness

Helps districts identify the appropriate parent and community notifications regarding the educational rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness.

English Learners

Helps districts and schools identify the appropriate parent, family, and community notifications regarding requirements for English Learners.

Migrant Education Programs

Helps districts or local operating agencies identify the appropriate parent and community notifications regarding Migrant Education Programs.

Parent and Family Engagement

Helps districts identify the appropriate notifications regarding Title I Parent and Family Engagement requirements.

Private School Consultation

Helps school districts the appropriate notifications regarding equitable services requirements for private school students.

School Support and Improvement

Helps districts identify the parent notification requirements regarding schools identified for Support and Improvement.

Students in Foster Care

Helps districts identify the notifications that help meet the Title I requirements to ensure educational stability for students in foster care.

Teacher and Paraprofessional

Helps districts identify the appropriate parent notices regarding parents' right to request the qualifications of their child's teacher(s).

Unsafe Schools

Helps districts identify the appropriate parent notices regarding requirements for schools identified as unsafe.

Title I Schoolwide Program Eligibility

Helps districts identify the appropriate parent notices to develop and implement a comprehensive schoolwide plan.

How it Works

TransAct ParentNotices is a sole source provider of parent communications resources that help you centralize and standardize your most important parent notifications so that teachers, staff, and families can access translations, guidance and pre-written forms at the moment they need them.

Use Our Notices or Yours

Host your district's PDFs, or access our library of translated notices that are written by experts to comply with ESSA, Section 504, IDEA, and Civil Rights. 

Automate Approvals

Automate approval workflows so that administrators can confidently manage requirements without creating workflow bottlenecks for staff. 

Auto-Fill with SIS Data

Eliminate manual data entry by auto-filling student and teacher data, importing rosters, and automatically delivering notices in a parent's preferred language. 

Mobile Delivery

Deliver forms and notifications to mobile devices, in compliance with privacy laws. Parents can view and respond on the device of their choice, including desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. 

Collect Digital Signatures

Provide touchless notifications by allowing parents to provide digital signatures on desktop, tablet, or mobile phones. 


Report on which parents have received, viewed, and responded to a notice. Automate reminders to teachers, staff, and parents. 

Integrate with Existing Tools

Enable two-way communication with parents and families with ParentNotices' Remind integration. Learn more about the integration in this blog


ParentNotices works alongside your existing notifications systems, your Student Information System and your SSO provider to support federally required communications for federal programs, English Learners, and state or district policy.