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ESSA Accountability Regulations: Trump pause - no impact on parent notices

Written by Dr. David Holbrook | January 25, 2017

Recently I wrote about the potential for the US Congress to use the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to rescind regulations recently released by the U.S. Department of Education (USED). I mentioned the regulations on ESSA Accountability provisions as one that could be targeted under the CRA.

Shortly after his inauguration, President Trump put a hold on a number of regulations that hadn’t gone into full effect as yet, including the ESSA accountability regulations. The hold will last for 60 days and give Congress the opportunity to decide whether to invoke the CRA.

It is important to note that this action has no impact parent notices. TransACT is committed to keeping up with what is happening on the federal education level and reporting to you any impact that these actions might have on parent notices.

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