TransACT® ParentNotices is an unlimited, district-wide subscription to expertly written, translated parent notifications. ParentNotices is aligned with federal communication requirements (including Civil Rights, ESSA, Section 504, and IDEA) and supports teachers in creating an inclusive communication strategy for all families. In a recent product update, TransACT ParentNotices released features to support parents in understanding the school's communications: a translated "Parent-View."
Student equity and access can be supported and advanced by increasing authentic parent and family engagement efforts, particularly for families with limited English proficiency. ParentNotices increases the accessibility of school-to-home communications by providing forms and notices that are:
- Translated into parents' preferred languages
- Compatible with multiple device types (mobile, tablet, computer)
- Accessible through a mobile-responsive Parent-View
Communicating with parents and families in a language that they can understand is not just a good idea; Civil Rights laws require it. Throughout a district, staff members can unknowingly violate civil rights by using bilingual staff members or free online translation software to translate important notifications. TransACT ParentNotices utilizes trained, qualified translators with a background in education, so our 200+ forms and notices in 20+ languages are legally compliant with civil rights requirements. ParentNotices subscribers also gain access to real-time interpretation and custom translation services
To further our overall mission to support equity and access for marginalized student populations, Parent-View will be available in multiple languages. Like the notices included in a standard ParentNotices subscription, the Parent-View is translated into a parent's preferred language by trained, qualified translators. Providing Parent-View in multiple languages allows parents and families to interact with our software and receive notifications in their preferred language.
Parent-View enables parents and families to:
- Receive forms and notices sent home from school on their device of choice (mobile, tablet, desktop)
- Acknowledge receipt of or provide a secure, digital signature for touchless parent and family engagement
- Return completed forms and notices from anywhere on the device of their choice
The Parent-View is currently available in English and Spanish, and additional languages will be announced later this year. Subscribe to our blog to receive a notification when Parent-View is available in additional languages, or follow us on your favorite social media platform: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook
TransACT ParentNotices software provides 10+ State Departments of Education and over 5000 districts across 48 states with federally compliant school-to-home communication notices and forms in multiple languages. For more information about delivering parent communications in a distance or hybrid learning environment, building your own forms, and connect student roster SIS data, request a demonstration of ParentNotices.